

What causes pigmentation and how can I treat it?
Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its colour. Melanin is produced by skin cells called melanocytes and when this cell becomes damaged or confused, excess melanin production can be triggered.
The main cause of pigment is found to be from the effects of UV rays but can also occur from injury, ageing, hormonal changes and medications.
Every skin is different so will respond differently to these pigment fighting actives but here are our faves!
- Vitamin C: a powerful antioxidant that interferes with melanin production, helps fade dark spots and gives a brighter complexion
- Niacinimide (B3): this is a powerhouse ingredient that reduces the transfer of melanin to the skin cells
- Lactic Acid: encourages the regeneration of skin cells resulting in a lighter and brighter complexion
- SPF: wearing SPF every day (yes, even in winter!) can help prevent and reduce further skin discolouration
Book a complimentary consultation with one of our skin therapists to get started on your skin journey today!
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