CoolTech® Body Sculpting and Fat Freezing
CoolTech® is a revolutionary patent pending machine, able to perform Cryoadipolysis (fat freezing) on multiple areas of the body. This machine is not designed as a weight loss tool, rather a body sculpting assistant, allowing for targeted treatment to areas of concern ranging from the thighs to the stomach and chin.
This treatment has undergone many clinical trials with scientifically validated results, CoolTech® is now available in over 40 countries worldwide.
This technology was developed after a surprising observation: it appeared that children who were eating popsicles to reduce pain during teeth development had dimples due to a loss of fat in their cheeks caused by the repetitive exposure to cold.
How does it work?
Adipolisys (the digestion of fats) assisted by freezing CoolTech® is a non-invasive treatment. A real alternative to liposuction for fat reduction.
Adipocytes (fat cells) are more susceptible to cold than other tissues such as muscle, nerve, and skin. When fat cells are exposed to precise cooling, they initiate a process of natural removal (Apoptosis). The fat cells in the treated area are gradually eliminated through the normal metabolic processes in the lymphatic system. This reduction in fat cells is permanent.
What can I expect during treatment?
Each treatment begins with a consultation on a separate day. The consultation includes a non judgemental measuring of the area, pre photos to be taken and a thorough discussion about the procedure. On the day of treatment, your practitioner will re measure the area, apply gel pads and the cooling handpiece. The treatment will take anywhere from 45 - 90 minutes, immediately followed by an intensive rewarming of the skin via hot towels and manual massage. You may experience an unusual tight feeling while the cooling handpiece is on the skin.
What are results like and how long does it last?
Up to 30% fat cell loss can be expected in the treated area, this cell loss is permanent, paired with a healthy lifestyle. You will start to see results after around 2 weeks, maximum results can be seen at 3 months post treatment.
How many treatments are needed?
Up to 3 treatments depending on results. These need to be a minimum of 8 weeks apart.
What areas can I treat?
CoolTech® has 6 different specially shaped handpieces, to allow treatment to:
- Chin
- Abdomen
Inner part of the thighs
Above knees
Under buttocks
- "Bra bulge"
Up to two hand pieces can be used at once, this will be assessed during your consultation.
What do I need to bring/wear to my appointment?
Please wear comfortable clothes to your appointment. The specialised gel pads are a little messy, so something you don't mind getting gel on would be best. We will provide you with disposable underwear for your own comfort if you wish (if required for the treatment area). Alternatively we recommend wearing something well covered and comfortable. When treating the neck, upper arms or chin, we recommend avoiding high neck tops, and wearing something with a loose sleeve.
As you will be in the clinic for a longer period of time, it is advisable to bring a device you may wish to do some work on, or something to watch online. Unfortunately we do not have public wifi available.
Please note: This treatment is only available to book through contacting the clinic directly, we only offer this treatment after a thorough consultation due to the complex nature of this treatment, Please book a CoolTech Consult (Free of charge) by clicking the above link and selecting the correct consultation type.
CoolTech Cost
One paddle: $499
Chin paddle: $450
Additional paddle (in same appointment): $399
Package: 3x paddles $1000 (saving $497)
CoolTech® Appointments are only available via consultation first. (No charge for consults)
Before & Afters